Does Krishna Likes Hardwork?
The Doctor helped in time
Meditative Thoughts
Meditative Thoughts
Meeting him he said: “Friar Ginepro,come, we go to preach”. “My Father” answered, “you know that I have little instruction. How I could speak to the people? “.
But since saint Francisco insisted, friar Ginepro consented. They walked for all the city, praying in Silence for all those who they worked into the shops or into the gardens. They smiled to the children, especially to those poor ones. They exchanged some word with oldest. They caress the sick ones.
They helped one woman to carry a heavy full water container. After they have many times over crossed all the city, saint Francisco said: “Friar Ginepro, is hour to return to the convent”. “And our preaching?”.
“We have made It… We have made It" answered smiling the Saint.
If you have into the pocket the scent of moss you don’t need o tell it to all. The scent will speak in yours place.
The better preaching is You.
ला इरका ...मजहब के मामले में जबर्दस्ती नहीं
Transcend the Intellect
Disappointed with Your Response
Why Preach?
Priority of Service
How to Find a True Guru?
Congress says:
Muslims getting killed in the Gujarat riots is no less than a holocaust;
But poor protesters getting shot in West Bengal under Left Govt is just a plain misunderstanding; 3,000 Sikhs getting slaughtered was only a big mistake; and 400,000 Kashmir Pandits becoming refugees and thousands dead due to Islamic terrorism in Kashmir is a only political problem.
Congress says:
Congress denying Lord Rama’s existence was simply a Clerical Error.
But BJP saying it hurt Hindu sentiments is communal!
Congress says:
Haj subsidies for Muslim pilgrimage worth 3000 crores funded by Hindu tax money is secular; see
ut Hindus questioning how their hard earned money is used are communal;
Congress says:
Banning Da Vinci Code and Jo Bole So Nihaal was Secular
But Modi Banning Parzania in Gujarat was Communal;Congress says:
Chinese invasion in 1962 was just an ‘unfortunate betrayal’;
Kargil attack during BJP Rule was Government failure;Reservation in every school and college on caste lines strengthen society;But Muslims say, same reservations in minority institutions is Communal;
Congress says:
Fake encounters under Cong-NCP in Maharashtra [Khwaja Younus] was only an instance of Police atrocity;But Fake encounters in Gujarat [Sohrabuddin] was Modi sponsored ‘BJP’Communalism;
Congress says:
Talking about Islam and Muslim appeasement and Sachar is Secular;But talking about Hindus and Hindu concerns is dangerous and Communal;
Congress says: BJP’ freeing the terrorists (flight 814) to save Indian hostages was Shameful;
But freeing 5 militants to save the life of the daughter of a minister [Rubina Sayeed] was a Natural Political dilemma;Attack on Parliament was the result of BJP ineptitude;
But Congress Not hanging Afzal Guru,the mastermind despite Supreme Court orders is due to Humanity and Political dilemma;
Congress says:
(Manmohan) Muslims have the first right on India’s resources ;But BJP questioning it is communal;
Is there any end to Congress’ hypocrisy and double standards?
Why Do I Suffer from Depression?
Which Form During Japa?
Who Made Sin?
टीवी सीरियल में हिंदू देवता बनने पर फतवा
उन्होंने कहा कि मैं एक सच्चे मुसलमान के साथ-साथ एक कलाकार भी हूं और अपने पेशे के रूप में अगर भगवान गणेश और नंदी का रोल करता हूं तो कटटरपंथी मुस्लिम उलेमाओं और धर्मगुरुओं की त्यौरियां चढ़ना गैर वाजिब है।
नवाब हसन ने बताया कि उनके बेटे अमन पोलिस्टर के एक सीरियल में भगवान गणेश का रोल करने से कुछ उलेमा इतने खफा हो गए कि उन्होंने फोन पर धमकियां देना शुरू कर दिया। एक मौलाना ने तो यहां तक कहा कि सीरियल में गणेश के रूप में तुम्हारे बेटे का सिर कटा था, हम घर आकर उसका सिर काटेंगे। एक साल पहले इसकी रिपोर्ट मुंबई के अंधेरी ईस्ट स्थित मेगवाड़ी थाने में दर्ज कराई गई थी।
इतना ही नहीं नवाब हसन के सगे चाचा विलायत हुसैन ने यह कहते हुए पुश्तैनी सम्पति देने से मना कर दिया है कि खुद तो भगवान बन गए, लड़के को भी भगवान बना दिया। यह इस्लाम धर्म विरुद्ध आचरण है।
पप्पू पोलिस्टर बताते हैं कि शिवसेना प्रमुख बाला साहेब ठाकरे बेटे अमन के गणेश के किरदार और बोले गए संस्कृत श्लोकों व संवादों से इतने प्रभावित हुए कि वह हमारे घर आए और कहा कि मुस्लिम होकर तुम्हारा बेटा जितनी शुद्ध संस्कृत बोलता है उतना तो मेरा बेटा भी नहीं बोल सकता।
भगवान के किरदारों से मिली शोहरत पर फख्र करते हुए नवाब हसन कहते हैं कि हिन्दुस्तान में हिन्दुओं ने जितनी बेपनाह मोहब्बत दी, उतनी मुस्लिम समाज से नहीं मिली। इसका मुझे और मेरे परिवार को जीवन भर अफसोस रहेगा।
If Jesus Allows Meat Eating...
Is Loving Krishna Imitation?
1. A few days ago, there was enough time for me to chant 26 rounds everyday. Right now as my curriculum is becoming more and more, I can't spend so much time chanting. So I had to reduce it to 16 rounds just as before. But I found my mind was a little scattered and I couldn't taste the sweet pleasure I experienced before by the mercy of Lord. I feel confused, what should I choose to do in this condition?
2. Should we give all our heart and soul to Krishna? I tried to love Krishna in this way, and I did taste the nicest and sweetest transcendental pleasure just like a bird freely flying in the sky. But I really don't know whether this love of Krishna is right or it is merely imitation?
3. How should we love Krishna perfectly? Is it right that we should only love Krishna and have mercy on others? If we have the trend to love someone else, should we have to drive the heart to Krishna and begin to chant at once? What is the difference between love and mercy?
Thanks a lot for all your mercy and wisdom! Best wishes!
1. Since you have had to reduce your chanting to 16 rounds because of increased schoolwork, you should ask Krishna to help you always remember Him and dedicate everything to Him even while you doing your studies.
2. Yes. You should absolutely give your entire heart and soul to Krishna. This is the perfection of our existence. Such an endeavor to fully surrender to Krishna is not never imitation. Loving Krishna is what frees us from the imitation existence of bodily consciousness. Even though the birds fly in the sky in apparent freedom, they are still caught in the chains of birth, death, old age, and disease. When you give your heart fully to Krishna you will be completely free to eternally fly in the spiritual sky of unlimited love, bliss, and knowledge.
3. Real love and mercy are the same. Love of Krishna means that you should fully surrender yourself to follow His instructions as He has given in the Bhagavad-gita. This means that you must chant His names, bow down to Him, offer Him the suitable foods that He will accept, and take shelter of His representative--the bona fide spiritual master. You should give all of your love to Krishna. And because He is the root of all existence, through perfectly loving Him you will be able to perfectly love all living beings because they are His parts and parcels. Whenever you feel love for someone else you can make that love perfect by trying to engage that person in Krishna's service so that they will also become delivered from the cycle of birth and death. Just as I am engaging you in the service of Krishna, you should also engage others in the service of Krishna. This is the perfection of love of our fellow man.
How to Get that Feeling Back?
Regarding Vaisnavas
Personal Relationship with Krishna?
Origin of the Soul
Sports and Krishna Consciousness
Question: Sports and Krishna Consciousness
This is a comparison between sports and Krishna Consciousness. It seems that they have their own world. In Krishna Consciousness, you want to attain self-realization to become free from suffering. In sports, you want to become the best athlete.
In overview of both these things: How does sports carry less weight than Krishna Consciousness. Both have their own ambitions. In a way, can someone say I would rather be an athlete, the best I can be, then become a self-realized person the best I can be?
A athlete can become excellent in this world for a few years until his body becomes too old to play sports and he dies to take birth again. Lifetime after lifetime he suffers the pangs of birth, death, old age, and disease--sometimes as a human being, sometimes as a plant, or sometimes as an animal according to his karma. So even though he got some temporary short run pleasure from sporting, his future is not very bright.
On the other hand, the devotee of Lord Krishna, the one who is perfect in self-realization, becomes excellent in serving Lord Krishna. He tastes the highest happiness in this lifetime and he enters the spiritual world to enjoy and eternal existence, full of knowledge, and full of bliss.
So you can take you pick. You can decide whether you would like some temporary sporting happiness throwing a ball around and then having to face so much suffering lifetime after lifetime, or whether you would prefer to seriously adopt the ultimate sport of Krishna bhakti for achieving an eternal life, full of bliss, and full of knowledge.
How to Overcome Obstacles?
Krishna Consciousness with Non-Devotee Family
I am a 44 years old family man; I have a wife and three teenager kids. I'm trying to live my life according to the principle of the Krishna Consciousness movement, but my wife and kids don't want to know anything about this path.
My question is: How can I live my spiritual life among of a non-devotee family?
Answer: Be Strong, Patient, and Tolerant
Our best is advice is that you should be very tolerant of your non-devotee family members and at the same time very strict with yourself to undeviatingly follow the regulated principles of freedom as listed here:
1. No illicit sex (sex other than for procreation).
2. No meat eating (including fish and eggs). You should eat only vegetarian foods which have first been offered to Lord Sri Krishna with love and devotion.
3. No intoxication (including coffee, tea, and cigarettes).
4. No gambling.
5. Chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krishna mantra every day on chanting beads.
Even though it is not always easy to practice Krishna consciousness in the association of non-devotees, we encourage to remain in your family life for their benefit. If you are strong in your principles and at the same time are tolerant and patient with them, eventually they will also become attracted to Krishna and will want to become devotees too.
May Lord Krishna bless you in your attempt to be solidly fixed in Krishna consciousness and at the same time make your family Krishna conscious.