SHRADH PUJA and Its great significance for everyone

Meaning of Shradh-Pitr Paksha

Shradh is a pooja done for atma shanti for your departed paternal and maternal near and dear ones. It is a ritual for expressing one's respectful feelings for the ancestors with devotion. It allays the sufferings of your departed dear ones. Delighting ancestors before God is promoting or enhancing well-being. Pitra Kriya is more rich in significance or implication than Dev Kriya. Garud Purana, Matsya Purana, Vishnu Purana, Vayu Purana and other sacred scriptures as Manu Smriti etc. give an account or representation of Shraddh.

Pitru Paksha:
Pitru Paksha (Sanskrit: पितृ पक्ष), also spelt as Pitr paksha or Pitri paksha, (literally "fortnight of the ancestors") is a 16–lunar day period when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors (Pitrs), especially through food offerings. The period is also known as Pitru PakshyaPitri PokkhoSola Shraddha ("sixteen shraddhas"), KanagatJitiyaMahalaya Paksha and Apara paksha
Pitru Paksha is considered by Hindus to be inauspicious, given the death rite performed during the ceremony, known as Shraddha or tarpan. In southern and western India, it falls in the Hindu lunar month ofBhadrapada (September–October), beginning with the full moon day (Purnima) that occurs immediately after the Ganesh festival and ending with the new moon day known as Sarvapitri amavasyaMahalaya amavasya or simply Mahalaya. In North India and Nepal, this period corresponds to the dark fortnight of the month Ashvin, instead of Bhadrapada.

SHRADH PUJA has a great significance for everyone

In Indian tradition, the word ‘Shradh Puja' has a great significance for everyone. This puja is performed on the death anniversary of nearest and dearest one in the family for giving respect or devotion to him/her. In other words, it is a ritual in which individuals express their feelings and show loyalty towards theirancestors.Shradh Puja exists on each day of the ‘PitraPaksha' (dark fortnight) in which people cook some favourite and special food of the departed person. As per the Hindu mythology, there are 12 types of ‘Shradh Puja' available, which are performed by people with complete faith.
It is the fact that if someone takes birthsthen he or she must die on some day. So, this is the life-cycle and everyone is bound to follow the procedure as well. Individuals can see the unbelievable growth in their life in terms of wealth, joy, pleasure, job, children and health by providing respect and satisfaction along with their offerings to the person, who died in the family. Thus, it is advisable to all the individuals that they should take participation in ShradhPuja withfull faith and pure heart to get the better prospectus from the dead person. And, in Hinduism, after the death of a person, Shradh must be performed within the time frame of 11 to 13 days.
Hindus believe that a soul that is not pacified will continue to remain in this world and will not find salvation. So, each and every person should perform the Shradh ceremony every year by offering Anna Daan to Brahmins as well as to the poor people. In this manner, he/she can make sure that the soul of the loved ones will re visit to bless them and then will depart happily. Along with this, there are some rules and regulations, which individuals need to follow during Shradh Puja as once in a day, they must offer proper food to five Brahmins with ‘Dakshina' (Money), clothes, and other items or things of their choice.
Significance of Shradh Chaturdashi Tithi

For ancestors who may have died due to any weapon, poison or accidents, their Shradh is performed on Chaturdashi and for ancestors who died on Chaturdashi, their Shradh is performed on Amavasya

Benefit of Ancestor Puja

Performing this pooja for ancestors will bring good fortune to their descendants and thereby receiving positive energies for progress. The descendant also receives blessings from the pitra/forefathers to help him materially. This can greatly help the individual to progress spiritually as the material obstacles or problems are eradicated. This pooja is very powerful and effects on health and curing serious diseases. This is being done for getting recovery from chronic diseases and other body aliments. Those who are invariably suffering from any aliments shall get this pooja done for early recovery. This pooja is specifically suitable for Success in Business or Career , Protection from Evils and Enemies.

Pitra Dosh

Malefic effects of Jupiter are also considered due to pitra dosh. It is not a curse of ancestors. It appears in the horoscope of a person due to the previous bad karmas of his forefathers. In simple terms, he has to pay for those actions by going through the suffering that has been decided for those karmic deeds. This will continue until these karmic debts are cleared either by suffering or by the good deeds that have been done by the person who has the pitra dosha. It is just like a child inherits the assets and liabilities of his forefathers in this materialistic world, the results of past karmas are also passed on to the descedents. To relieve yourself of pitra dosha we should do shraadh/pitrapaksh pooja on every Amavasya and also in the shraadh days in the month of Ashwin to get benefit to the greatest possible degree.

Remedy for malefic effects of jupiter

If Jupiter is in his sign of debilitation and associated with a malefic one can find his life ruined in all respects due to malefic effects of planet Jupiter. The Pitra Dosha created by the Jupiter, in horoscope, is related to the Sins committed by ancestors. Appeasing deity of the relevant planet causing Pitra Dosha in horoscope of a person is must, to get rid of the problems originated due to them. Otherwise, the implications of Pitra Dosha will continue to reflect in the birth charts of ongoing generation. Further the persons going through the main and sub period of jupter ( Brahaspati mahadasha and antardasha) are suggested to conduct the shraadh pooja so that quantum of suffering or debt is reduced.

Kalsarp Dosha

This dosha is also minimized and fruitful results are obtained by doing the shraadh pooja by procuring the blessings of ancestors. Childless couples and persons facing hinderance in getting monetary benefits when perform this pooja are benefitted to a great extent.

Remembering loved Ancestors

Unfortunately this important death ceremony(shraadh) is one of the most neglected Hindu rituals in the present day society.vedic phrase 'jiva jivasya jivanam' the living entity survives by feeding upon another living entity who in turn survives by feeding on another living entity. . .

Performing Shradh Puja

This ceremony is performed by 2 sadhaks(brahmin) as per the prescribed rituals by offering clothes and food, etc and blessings are sought. After that it is customary to do poor feeding. We give lunch to the 108/1008 poor people. We conduct both types of offerings for maximum 'tarpan' (relief).

Time to Perform Pitra Paksha Tarpan 2012

Every year in the month of Ashwin (hindu month), Krishna Paksh i. e. , 15 days commencing from Purnima(fullmoon) to Amavasya (darknight) "Shraadh" days are performed. In the year 2012 it will be from 1st october 2012 to 15th october 2012.

How to perform Ganesh Chaturthi Puja...

Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the major festivals of the Hindus. It is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Ganesha. It falls on the Shukla Chaturthi during the Hindu month of Bhadrapada. The festival is usually celebrated between 20th August and 19th of September. It ends on the Anant Chaturdashi. In 2012, Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated on 19th of September


Traditional stories tell that Lord Ganesha was created by goddess Parvati, consort of Lord Shiva. Parvati created Ganesha out of sandalwood paste that she used for her bath and breathed life into the figure. She then set him to stand guard at her door while she bathed. Lord Shiva returned and, as Ganesha didn't know him, he didn't allow him to enter. Lord Shiva became enraged, severed the head of the child and entered his house. After realizing that he had beheaded his own son, Lord Shiva fixed the head of an elephant in place of Ganesha's head. In this way, Lord Ganesha came to be depicted as the elephant-headed God.


The festival is observed in the Hindu calendar month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon). The date usually falls between 19 August and 20 September. The festival lasts for 10 or 12 days, ending on Anant Chaturdashi. This festival is observed in the lunar month of bhadrapada shukla paksha chathurthi madhyahana vyapini purvaviddha. If Chaturthi prevails on both days, the first day should be observed. Even if chaturthi prevails for the complete duration of madhyahana on the second day, if it prevails on the previous day's madhyahana period even for one ghatika (24 minutes), the previous day should be observed

How to perform Ganesh Chaturthi Puja

Ganesh Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chaturthi is one of the most colorful and widely celebrated festivals in India. Large number of people observe Ganesha Chaturthi poojas at home. Here is an explanation on how to perform Ganesha puja at home as mentioned in Hindu scriptures.

Ganesha puja on the Chaturthi day is usually performed at noon but nowadays people perform it when all the family members are present. 


  • A Clay image of Lord Ganesha.
  • Red flowers
  • Druva Grass blades
  • Modak (jaggery filled sweet)
  • Coconut
  • Red chandan (Sandalwood paste)
  • Incense and agarbathis

The Puja

  • First clean the house and take a bath.
  • A Clay image of Lord Ganesha is installed in a raised platform.
  • Pray to Lord Ganesh and you can recite mantras or bhajans dedicated to Lord Ganesha.
  • Next step is to invoke Ganesha into the image. This is known as pran-prathishta. The Pran Prathista mantra in Sanskrit to be invoked is found in the Rig Veda and is part of Ganesh Sukth

ganananh tva ganapatim havamahe kavim kavinam - upamashravastamam |
jyeshhtharajam brahmanan.h brahmanaspata A nah shrivnvannutibhih sida sadanam || 
ni shhu sida ganapate ganeshhu tvamahurvipratamam kavinam |
na rite tvat.h kriyate kinchanare mahamarkam maghavan.h chitramarcha || 

We invoke You, O Ganapati of the ganas (Lord Shiva attendants), Who are Brahmana-spati of the brahmas (prayers), the wisest among the wise, Who abound in treasure beyond all measure, the most brilliant one. Do listen to our prayers, come with Your blessings and assurances of protection into our home, and be seated. 

Sit down among the worshippers, O Ganapati, the best sage among the sages. Without You nothing can be done here or far. Accept with honor, O wealthy One, our great and variegated hymns of praise. 

Now Ganesha is installed in the idol and one can perform arati and light the lamps. Some people perform the shhodashopachara, which are 16 forms of paying tribute to Ganesha. 
Offer 21 blades of Druva Grass.
Offer 21 modakas
Offer red flowers
Apply a tilak using red Sandalwood paste.
Break the coconut or just keep it along with the idol. You can also keep fried grains. (The food of the rat – the vehicle of Ganesha).
You can also recite the 108 salutations dedicated to Lord Ganesha or read the Ganesha Upanishad or just simply pray.

The number 21 signifies - the five organs of perception, five organs of action, five vital airs (pranas), five elements, and the mind.

Arti For Ganesha Chaturthi

Jai Ganesha Devaa

Jai ganesha jai ganesha jai ganesha devaa
Maataa jaakii paarvatii, pitaa mahaadevaa
Eka danta dayaavanta, caara bhujaa dhaarii
Maathe sinduura sohai, muuse kii savaari
Jai ganeshaa...

Andhana ko aankha deta
Korhina ko kaayaa
Baanjhana ko putra deta
Nirdhana ko maayaa
Jai ganeshaa...

Paana carhe, phuula carhe
Aura carhe mevaa
Ladduana ko bhoga lage
Santa karen sevaa
Jai ganesha...

कुछ उपयोगी टोटके...

छोटे छोटे उपाय हर घर में लोग जानते हैं,पर उनकी विधिवत जानकारी के अभाव में वे उनके लाभ से वंचित रह जाते हैं |यहाँ कुछ उपयोगी टोटकों कि विधिवत जानकारी दी जा र्ही है |

परीक्षा में पास होने के लिए:

जेहि पर कृपा करहीं जनु जानी |
कवि उर अजिर नवावहिं बानी |
मोरी सुधारिहि सो सब भांति
जासु कृपा  नहीं कृपा अघाती ||

आकर्षण के लिए :

जेहि के जेहिं पर सत्य सनेहू |
सो तेहि मिलइ न कछु संदेहू ||

खोई हुई वस्तु पुन:प्राप्त करने के लिए :

गयी बहोर गरीब नेबाजू |
सरल सबल साहिब रघुराजू ||

जीविका प्राप्त करने के लिए :

विस्व भरन पोषण कर जोई |
ताकर नाम भरत अस होई ||

दरिद्रता दूर करने के लिए :

अतिथि पूज्य प्रियतम पुरारी के |
कामद धन दारिद द्वारिके ||

लक्ष्मी प्राप्त करने के लिए:

जिमी सरिता सागद महूँ नाहीं |
जघपि ताहि कामना नाहीं |
तिमी सुख सम्पति विनहि बोलाए |
धर्मसील फिन जाहीं सुभाएँ ||

पुत्र प्राप्ति के लिए :

प्रेम मगन कौसल्या निसदिन जात न जान |
सूत स्नेह बस माता बाल चरित कर गान ||

सम्पति प्राप्त के लिए:

जे सकाम न सुनहिं जे गावहीं
सुख सम्पति नाना विधि पावहिं ||

सर्वसुख प्राप्त  करने के लिए:

सुनहिं विमुक्त विरत अरु विषई |
चहहीं भगती  गति संपति नई ||

मनोरथ सिद्धि  के लिए:

भव  भेषज रघुनाथ जसु सुनहिं जे नर और नारी |
तिन कर सकल मनोरथ सिद्ध करही त्रिसिरारि ||

मुकदमा जीतने के लिए :

पवन तनय बल पवन समाना |
बुद्धि विवेक विज्ञान निधाना ||

शत्रुता नाश के लिए :

बयरु न कर काहू सन कोई |
राम प्रताप विषमता खोई ||

विवाह के लिए :

तब जनक  पाई बसिष्ठ आयसु व्याह साज संवारिके |
माडवी श्रुतकीर्ति उर्मिला कुअरी   लई हवनाती के ||