The Grace of Shiva from 'Consciousness is Everything'

I call sadhana Second Education. First Education, our conventional education, is the education of our intellect and our personality. Here one can put on and take off ideas and keep them at a distance.

Many years ago, I gave a seminar at a university in New Zealand. Members of the department of religion met with me and I shared my experience in India and outlined the principles of Kashmir Shaivism. One of the professors was introduced to me as an expert on Christianity, another on Buddhism, another on Islam. During the course of our conversation, I said to the Christianity expert, ‘As a Christian, you probably—’. He quickly corrected me. ‘I’m not a Christian, I’m a Christianist’. No such distancing is permitted in sadhana. Here one stands inside the philosophy and allows it to work on his being through wisdom and technique. In Siddha Meditation, I wrote about this distinction with the passion of new discovery:

Now, what do we have here? It springs to mind that this is Muktananda’s ‘philosophy’, but nothing could be further from the truth. Philosophy in the West is generally limited to the mental realm alone, reflecting a chronic split between thought and action. The professional thinker is interested in producing an original and clever intellectual system; he rarely sees any connection between his theories and his life. Thus a socialist may consider himself to be very different from a conservative, or a logical positivist may feel superior to a metaphysician, yet they are likely to share the same lifestyle, the same middle-age paunch, the same frequent one martini too many. I was keenly aware that Baba was a Guru in the time-honoured Indian tradition and not a philosopher at all. He was not interested in stimulating us mentally, but in producing a change in our whole being leading to the realisation of the inner Self. For Baba, an idea must relate directly to sadhana.

The book was not Baba’s ‘thought’ but his experience, a description of his actual state of Consciousness. In the rest period after lunch at the ashram, I read widely in spiritual literature. As I read Baba’s writings, I recognised two distinct strains. One was familiar to me and one was not. The former was Vedantic. He wrote of Brahman, maya, and Satchitananda, and used Vedantic stories and illustrations. I was familiar with the language of Vedanta from my first encounters with Indian thought.

The ideas of Advaita Vedanta, nondual Vedanta, are usually associated with the great sage, Shankara (788–820 A.D.). They have been widely known in the West since the first Indian swamis, Vivekananda and Rama Tirtha, toured and lectured on these ideas around the turn of the 20th century. The ascetic tone of the Vedantic teachings is the one that Westerners usually associate with Indian spirituality.

But it was the second literary strain that riveted me. Here Baba spoke of kundalini, Shakti, and Chiti (universal Consciousness). While the Vedantic universe seemed flat to me—this whole world is seen as an illusion—this second vision, the vision of Kashmir Shaivism, was full of fire and life. Here the world is not seen as unreal, but vibrating with conscious energy. It is the dynamic unfoldment of the Divine and every atom of it is sacred and mysterious. Indeed, the profane is nowhere to be found. Na shivam vidyate kvachit: There is nothing that is not Shiva.

How to Give Up the Enjoying Mood?

Question: How to Give Up the Enjoying Mood?
I theoretically know that I am not the enjoyer, but still I feel desperate to enjoy independently away from Lord Krishna. How to get over this propensity of sense enjoyment in the service of the Lord ?

Answer: Offer Your Talent to Krishna
Whatever you like to do, whatever is your talent, you should engage that in the service of Krishna. For example, if you are a writer, write for Krishna. Or if you are an architect, design temples for Krishna. In this way you will be satisfied and you will learn how to derive your satisfaction by the satisfaction of Krishna instead of trying to be an independent enjoyer.

Question: Satisfaction from Bhakti?
While doing Krishna bhakti is it wrong to expect satisfaction from bhakti?

Answer: By Satisfying Krishna

No, but you have to know how to get it. If you try to get it directly, you will be disappointed. But when you get it by giving satisfaction to Krishna, you will be unlimitedly satisfied.

Question: Conflict Between Christ and Krishna
I have one really very painful question for me. Some years ago I belonged to the Christian church and used mostly Christian prayers in my life. But the Hare Krishna mantra helped me a lot, especially when I got some kind of psychiatric illness and was allergic to almost all of the medicines which the doctors gave me. So I even don't know how it happened, but I just started chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, and it really helped me. I use this mantra a lot for my healing, and it can do real miracles.

The problem is that I have lost many good friends. My parents also can not understand me. I never talk to them about Krishna. Christians have told me that I have given my soul to the devil because I left the Christian church. Sometimes I feel guilty because I can not be a Christian any more while chanting Hare Krishna mantra. But I can not stop using the Hare Krishna mantra because it helps me without any medication. It gives happiness. It is a miracle. But I really do not know how to solve this inner conflict between Christianity (the religion of my childhood) and the Hare Krishna mantra (my everyday healer ). I would be so much grateful if you could help me a little.

Answer: No Conflict--Like Father, Like Son

There is no reason for you to despair because Jesus Christ is a pure devotee of Krishna. When he speaks in the Bible about his heavenly father. he is referring to Lord Krishna. In fact the name "Christ" is an etymological derivation from the word "Krishna." In the Bible Jesus says that he is God, the Son. And the Bhagavad-gita Krishna says that He is God, the Father. So as it is said "Like father, like son," there is no conflict of interest between Krishna, the father, and Christ, the son. Both of them are in perfect agreement with each other. Both of them are teaching the science of pure love of God. It is only the rascal so-called followers who have made this artificial division between Krishna and Jesus. Kindly understand that both of them are teaching exactly the same thing, that we should fully surrender ourselves unto God.

The major difference between Christianity and Krishna consciousness is that while the Bible gives only introductory information of the science of God, the Vedas go very deeply into this subject matter. So in this regard the Bible can be compared to a pocket dictionary, and the Vedas can be compared to a big unabridged dictionary. Both of them are correctly defining the words, but one of them is going into great detail while the other one only gives a brief introduction. I know a Christian minister who has secretly become a devotee of Krishna. He studies the Bhagavad-gita and the presents the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita to his Christian congregation couching it in Christian terminology which they can understand.

So there is no reason for you to despair. By chanting Hare Krishna you are giving the greatest happiness to Lord Jesus because he is also Krishna's devotee. He did not reveal this to the people of Israel because as he states in the Bible, "I have more to tell you, but you are not ready for it yet." For even the introductory level presentation of the science of bhakti, which he presented, they nailed him to a cross. So he did not reveal to them everything he knew about God.

Tone Down Initiation Requirements

Request: Tone Down Initiation Requirements
All obeisances unto you. You have stated the importance of initiation. But initiation comes with conditions attached. There should be no pre-conditions for initiation. Then only will neophytes like me me dare to get initiated. I would like for you to tone down the minimum requirements for initiation. I am looking forward to getting initiated from you during your Mumbai visit at the end of the year. Would you oblige me with initiation?

Answer: Initiation Means Accept Instructions

Initiation means the disciple agrees to accept the instructions of the spiritual master. It does mean that the spiritual master agrees to accept the instructions of the disciple. If you do not agree to accept my instructions, there is no meaning to initiation. Thousands of people all over the world are being initiated every year into our sampradaya. They do not find the requirements to be prohibitive. Rather they find that the requirements liberate them from bondage to the cycle of birth and death. I would like very much to accept you as my disciple and deliver you from all anxieties, but without you doing your part by giving up sinful activities and chanting the holy names of God it will not be possible for me to deliver you.

Why Do I Have to Stay Here?

Question: Why Do I Have to Stay Here?

I hate this material world and want to leave it and go live in Goloka Vrindavan and always serve Radha and Krishna and the gopis. I really don't want to be here any longer. I see that there is nothing here in this material world that I want. I feel that I am wasting my time here.

So my question is: Why do I have to stay here? The material world is a useless prison house of disgust, so why can't I leave it right away? It doesn't make any sense for me to be here. But it would be bad karma to commit suicide, right?

That seems like a catch 22. I find myself somewhere I very much don't want to be, but I have to wait until I die naturally until I can go where I would much rather be. Doesn't seem right to me. The only way we leave the material world and go to Goloka Vrindavan is by leaving this material body, right? So wouldn't Krishna be happy that I want to leave sooner rather than later? Why wouldn't he give me the means to leave this body right now?

Answer: To Burn Off All of Your Material Desires

Your desire to go back to home, back to Godhead is wonderful. Because you originally desired to come here, now it is Krishna's special mercy to keep you here until you are completely freed from even the slightest tinge of a desire to enjoy any type of material sense gratification here. This is His wonderful program for fully qualifying you to become an eternal resident of His kingdom.

Committing suicide is not the way to return to the spiritual world. So kindly give up this idea. In fact it is most sinful because that body does not belong to you. It is the property of Krishna and therefore meant to be engaged in His service. It you kill it, you are removing it from service to Krishna. The karma for suicide is that one must become a ghost and suffer in a horrible nightmarish condition without a gross body even though one is full of gross desires.

The solution for your predicament is that you should fully absorb yourself in the mood of pure devotional service. If you will do so, for you this entire material world will be transformed into the spiritual world, and you will be living in Goloka Vrindavan at every minute. And upon leaving your body you go to sleep and wake up in the pastimes of Krishna.

Is It a Sin to Change Religions?

Question: Is It a Sin to Change Religions?

My mother once told me that in the Bhagavad-gita it has been told that leaving one's own religion and converting to some other religion is a sin. Then is not it a sin to change a Christian or Muslim into our Hinduism for living the life of a Hindu? We are Hindu so we pray Krishna. How can a Muslim or Christian can do that since it is told changing one's religion is a sin?

Answer: Sinful to Think that there are Different Religions

This idea of changing one's religion is a misconception. There is actually no such thing as changing one's religion because religion is one, to become a pure lover of God. If anyone becomes a pure lover of God, they are considered to be a first class religious person. It does not matter whether they are designated externally as a Christian, Muslim, or Hindu, etc. Whether we address the Supreme Person as Krishna, Jehovah, or Allah we are calling out to the same person. So it does not matter if we switch names. It is not sinful. What does matter is that we call out to Him with love free of any selfish desires. This is known as pure bhakti, and it is the universal religion. So, the conclusion is that it is not a sin to change religions because factually there is no such as changing religions. Rather what is sinful is to think that there are different religions.

Knowing Truth with Imperfect Senses?

Question: Knowing Truth with Imperfect Senses?
From reading Srila Prabhupada's books I learn that we conditioned souls have four defects. Because we have imperfect senses we have a tendency to be illusioned and thus we make mistakes and cheat. So how with these defects can we know that we are reading in the Vedic teachings is true and not false?

Answer: Senses Are Perfected by Krishna Consciousness

I appreciate that you asked a very intelligent question. If we are all possessing the four defects of imperfect senses, the tendency to be illusioned, making mistakes, and cheating, how can we trust our judgment to accept the truth of the Bhagavad-gita? If our senses are imperfect, how can we know for sure that Krishna is God and that His teachings are the Absolute Truth?

It is indeed a fact that with our imperfect senses we cannot know certainly that anything is true. So how with these imperfect senses can we with any degree of intellectual integrity accept the truth of the Vedic wisdom? Are we simply blindly, dogmatically accepting the Vedic wisdom like brainwashed cult members?

The answer is that although it is a fact that with our imperfect senses we cannot know the truth, by the process of Krishna consciousness our senses become perfect and with perfected senses we can perfectly understand and directly experience the truth of the Vedic wisdom.

Question: Contradiction in the Vedas?

Is there a contradiction anywhere in the Vedas regarding the Supreme being a personality?

Answer: Only Apparently, Not Factually

For those who are not realized in Vedic wisdom and who are thus only able to approach the Vedic wisdom superficially, it sometimes appears that there are contradictions in the Vedic wisdom. For example in the Sri Isopanisad Mantra 5 it is stated:

tad ejati tan naijati

"The Supreme Lord walks and does not walk."

From a mundane standpoint it is not possible that someone walks and does not walk. But in Krishna even the inconceivable becomes possible because He is the supreme controller. Everything is acting under His absolute power. He can make anything to be exactly how he wants it to be, even if it defies mundane logic. In this case the Lord's not walking refers to His impersonal, formless, all-pervading nature, and His walking refers to His transcendental form in which He walks in His loving pastimes with His devotees. Both of the natures of the Lord are acting simultaneously, but it is the personal nature which is predominate and the impersonal nature which is subordinate. This is confirmed by the Supreme Person Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita when He states that He, the Person Krishna, is the source of the impersonal Brahman.

Which sense has the life?

Question: Which sense has the life?

Answer: You are the one that you must give a sense to your life!

Everyone must give meaning to the own existence. You establish yours, the others theirs! It tries to render overflow of means precious every of your moment . I’m not surely I that I can give a sense to the life of the others. Nobody can it and must make it instead of you! Take into the hand your life and plays it until the bottom, intensely, until the last one of your breaths.

Live! Live indeed , not drag yourself into the days as a puppet into the hand of who knows which destiny. Have the courage to construct something that has a sense!”

Question: Is Only Worshipping Guru Bona Fide?
Recently I was invited by a friend to visit a Bhakti centre, where they teach some spiritual matters. I visited there and my humble questions are as below:

Their teachings are they only worship guru. No other God worship is done at their Bhakti centre. They worship their guru's sandals, which they worship daily.

Can you please explain how this worship is connected with our Vedas and is it recommended by our Vedas. I am very confused and please dissipate my darkness.

Answer: It is Completely Bogus

This teaching has nothing to do with the Vedas. It is not bhakti and is completely bogus. A bona fide spiritual master will never engage his disciples in this way. A spiritual master who teaches his disciples to worship him and not to worship God is bogus. He is not a spiritual master. The bona fide spiritual master teaches his disciples to fully surrender to Krishna or God. While the spiritual master is meant to accept all honor and worship on behalf of the Supreme Person, he personally worships God and engages his disciples in doing the same. Such a center, although advertised as a bhakti center, cannot give you genuine bhakti. Instead it will give bewilderment and delusion. Therefore it is better to avoid such a center.

Is the Bhagavad-gita for Women?

Question: Is the Bhagavad-gita for Women?
My favorite section is the questions and answers. I have a question. Why is Bhagavad-gita so difficult to understand for common people like me? There is no instruction available that says how a woman should live her life according to Vedic literature. What is her duty? I need your guidance.

Answer: The Bhagavad-gita is for Everyone

The Bhagavad-gita instructs us that for understanding its sublime teachings that we should approach a bona fide spiritual master, inquire from him submissively, and render service unto him. This is how everyone, men and women both, will understand properly the Bhagavad-gita. It cannot be understood by mental speculation. It can only be understood by submissively serving and inquiring from self-realized souls.

Our identities as male and female are external coverings only. The actual identity of every living being is that he or she is the eternal servant of Krishna. Therefore men and women both have the same duty, to fully surrender themselves unto Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Request: Save Me

Request: Save Me
Save me. I need a spiritual master. Help me.

Answer: Follow the Bhagavad-gita

If you will fully surrender yourself to Krishna's instructions as spoken in the Bhagavad-gita, you will be saved. Do you have a copy of Bhagavad-gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada?

Question: How to Finish My Rounds?

I am chanting 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna daily on japa beads for the six months as well as following the four regulative principles. I am also living in association of devotees for five days in a week. But my problem is that whenever I go to my home on weekends I become lazy especially in the morning. That is why sometimes I am unable to finish my rounds in morning. Also if I wake early in the morning then my mind showers too many stupid thoughts and I am totally in mode of ignorance. How to overcome this problem? Please help me.

Answer: No Breakfast Until Your Rounds are Done

Simply make it your program that you will not take your breakfast until you complete your 16 rounds. This will insure that you get your rounds done as soon as possible early in the morning. If you shower your mind with the holy names very nicely every morning, your mind will shower you back with Krishna consciousness all day long.

Question: How to Recognize Krishna's Voice?

When we in are in difficulty or when we are in a situation where we need to make a decision, at that time our mind moves in two directions, whether to do this or that. It is said that everything is planned by Krishna. Even though believe in my Krishna, sometimes I get caught in this mind maze. In that situation how do I recognize the Krishna voice which is within us?

Answer: By Pure Devotion

If you want to become empowered to clearly recognize the voice of Krishna within, you must enter into the state of pure devotion which is described as follows in the Bhagavad-gita:

teṣāṁ satata-yuktānāṁ
bhajatāṁ prīti-pūrvakam
dadāmi buddhi-yogaṁ taṁ
yena mām upayānti te

"To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me."--Bhagavad-gita 10.10

Jesus is the Only Way

Question: Jesus is the Only Way

One of my psychotherapy clients, a young man, is a sincere follower of Jesus Christ. He is deeply confused that I am not a Christian. He agrees that God is one, but he also insists that there must be only one path back to the home. In his opinion it is the Christian path.

He wonders now:

1) I could be kind of a demon.
2) The Christian literature he is reading is not right.
3) There is no truth at all in this world.

We are quite close and frankly speaking with each other, nevertheless I feel that our communication is beginning to disturb his mind. What should I do? What would be the best way here in serving Krishna and meeting my clients needs?

Answer: Jesus' Way of Pure Bhakti is the Only Way

There is only path, the path of pure devotion to the Supreme Person. And since Christ was teaching pure love of God, we accept Christianity as a bona fide path.

One who is sincerely absorbed in pure devotion automatically recognizes all others who are sincerely absorbed in devotion. Therefore his perception that a sincere devotee of God such as yourself is a demon reveals his lack of proper spiritual vision.

His doubt that about the correctness of the literature he is reading is a valid doubt. I am also doubtful about such sectarian, fanatical teachings.

You can inform him his fear about there being no truth in this world is unfounded. If we accept the idea that there is no truth in this world, we must accept that there is no truth to the idea that there is no truth. In other because the non-existence of truth in impossible.

In order to present Krishna consciousness teachings in the role of being a psychiatrist you will need to present our teachings in a language which will connect in a meaningful way with the terminology being used by modern day psychiatrists without sounding like religious preaching. You need to expertly avoid disturbing his mind by presenting our teachings in such a way that is comprehensible and acceptable by him

Marriage to a Non-Devotee

Question: Marriage to a Non-Devotee

I have been married to the same women for over 25 years and hope to remain married for the next 25 years. The problem I have, however, is my desire to live a Krishna conscious life while my wife has no interest in such a life. How can this be resolved?

Answer: Gradually Make Her a Devotee

You have to fully open your heart to her and reveal both of your desires to her. In this way of honest loving dealings hopefully her heart will become softened and she will agree to facilitate your Krishna consciousness. If she truly loves you, she will agree to facilitate you in your practice of Krishna consciousness. If she is not willing to facilitate you, this means that she is simply using you for her own personal sense gratification. In this case, you will have to be staunch in your practice of Krishna consciousness ignoring whatever demands she may for you to engage in material sense gratification and with great determination try to gradually bring her in Krishna consciousness.

How to Please a Guru?

Question: How to Please a Guru?

Being a reader of these mails I feel that you are a selfless representative of Lord Krishna. I know that it is wrong to judge a devotee by my fallen intelligence. Neither I have the capacity to understand your selfless services to the society. Nor am I capable of judging a devotee's capabilities. Please let me know, how can I please a devotee and above all a guru who I understand is actually an external representative of Krishna. Please help me understand this, and also forgive my foolishness.

Answer: Develop Your Love for Krishna

The way to please the Lord's devotees and especially the spiritual master is to develop your love for Krishna. The spiritual master's only mission is to awaken the dormant love for Krishna in the hearts of all men. So if you will fully dedicate your life for awakening your dormant Krishna consciousness, the spiritual master will be most pleased with you.

Is Deity Worship Idol Worship?

Question: Is Deity Worship Idol Worship?

Many times people of other faith criticize us Hare Krishnas for worshiping idols. We explain to them that we don't worship idols but we worship Deity. Idol is concocted form whereas Deity is made according to the description of the Supreme Lord provided in the scripture.

I came across following passage from Holy Bible (Old Testament):

Of what value is an idol, since a man has carved it?
Or an image that teaches lies?
For he who makes it trusts in his own creation;
he makes idols that cannot speak.
Woe to him who says to wood, 'Come to life!'
Or to lifeless stone, 'Wake up!'
Can it give guidance?
It is covered with gold and silver;
there is no breath in it.

How should we explain better to other people that our Deity worship is bona fide.
Answer: God Fully Manifests in the Authorized Deity Which is Worshipped with Love

If I put a facsimile of a mailbox in my front yard, it will not be authorized by the post office. I can mail letters in it as much as I want, but they will not go anywhere. But if I mail letters in a mail box authorized by the post office, they will go their destination, even if I live at a far distance from the post office.

An idol is an unauthorized "mail box", and a deity is an authorized "mail box." Even though the Lord is far away in His spiritual abode, He agrees to accept loving service and fully manifest His divine presence in the authorized deity form which is worshipped with love. The Bible condemns idol worship, just the Vedas condemn idol worship. The compilers of the Bible were not aware of the legitimacy of authorized deity worship, otherwise they would have recommended it in the Bible.

Do We Have Material Duties?

Question: Do We Have Material Duties?

I am confused by the apparent contradiction between these two quotes from the Bhagavad-gita As It Is:

"We have to practice remembering the Lord always, twenty-four hours a day, by chanting His names and molding our life's activities in such a way that we can remember Him always. How is this possible? The acaryas give the following example. If a married woman is attached to another man, or if a man has an attachment for a woman other than his wife, then the attachment is to be considered very strong. One with such an attachment is always thinking of the loved one. The wife who is thinking of her lover is always thinking of meeting him, even while she is carrying out her household chores. In fact, she carries out her household work even more carefully so her husband will not suspect her attachment. Similarly, we should always remember the supreme lover, Sri Krishna, and at the same time perform our material duties very nicely."
--from Bhagavad-gita Introduction

"Anyone who has taken shelter of the lotus feet of Mukunda, the giver of liberation, giving up all kinds of obligation, and has taken to the path in all seriousness, owes neither duties nor obligations to the demigods, sages, general living entities, family members, humankind or forefathers." Such obligations are automatically fulfilled by performance of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead."
--from Bhagavad-gita Chapter One

In the first quote it is stated that we should perform our duties more nicely and remember Lord Krishna. And in the second quote it is stated that one does not owe any duties and material obligations to anyone, that all duties are fulfilled by one's performance of devotional service to the Supreme Personality. I am confused by the apparent contradiction, and I therefore request you to please give some clarification.

Answer: All Duties Should Be Merged into Our One Duty

If we perform our material duties nicely so that others are not disturbed with us, we will have better facility to peacefully absorb our minds in Krishna consciousness. The material duties are not performed for their own sake. Rather they are performed in such a way to facilitate our Krishna consciousness.

For example, if someone neglects his duties at his job, he will lose his job and become disturbed how to pay for his living expenses. But if he expertly executes his duties at work, he will keep a steady flow of income and can focus his mind peacefully on developing his Krishna consciousness.

In short, there is only one duty, to surrender to Krishna. All other so-called duties are merged into this one duty.

Are Peace of Mind and Happiness the Same?

Question: Are Peace of Mind and Happiness the Same?

I am not clear about a thing. In Krishna Consciousness are happiness and peace of mind the same thing? Or are they different?

Answer: Similar But Different

They are almost the same, but they are slightly different as explained in the Bhagavad-gita:

nāsti buddhir ayuktasya
na cāyuktasya bhāvanā
na cābhāvayataḥ śāntir
aśāntasya kutaḥ sukham

"One who is not connected with the Supreme [in Krishna consciousness] can have neither transcendental intelligence nor a steady mind, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace?"
--Bhagavad-gita 2.66

In other words, a peaceful state of mind is a prerequisite of happiness. It is required that one have a peaceful mind in order to be happy.

Vedic Mathematics: Ancient Indian Knowledge

Indian civilization has surprised academicians time and again with simple age old techniques for solving complex problems. Vedic Mathematics, derived from the Ganita Sutra in the Vedas is one such technique.

Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884 - 1960).

In the beginning of the twentieth century, when there was a great interest in various Sanskrit texts in Europe, some scholars ridiculed certain texts which were titled GANITA SUTRA, which means mathematics. They could not decipher any mathematics in the translations and therefore dismissed the texts as rubbish. Bharati Krsna, who himself was a scholar of Sanskrit, Mathematics, History and Philosophy, studied these texts and after lengthy and careful investigation was able to reconstruct the mathematics of the Vedas.

Bharati Krsna wrote sixteen volumes expounding the Vedic system but these were unaccountably lost and when the loss was confirmed in his final years he wrote a single book - Vedic Mathematics. It was published in 1965, five years after his death.

According to his research all of mathematics is based on sixteen Sutras, or word - formulae. For example, ‘Vertically and Crosswise’ is one of these Sutras. These formulae describe the way the mind naturally works and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the appropriate method of solution.

Perhaps the most striking feature of the Vedic system is its coherence. Instead of a hotchpotch of unrelated techniques the whole system is beautifully interrelated and unified. The multiplication method, for example, is easily reversed to allow one-line divisions and the simple squaring method can be reversed to give one-line square roots. And all are very easy to understand. This unifying quality is very satisfying; it makes mathematics easy and enjoyable and encourages innovation.

In the Vedic system difficult problems or huge sums can often be solved immediately by the Vedic method. These striking and beautiful methods are just a part of a complete system of mathematics, which is far more systematic than the modern system. Vedic mathematics manifests the coherent and unified structure of mathematics and the methods are complimentary, direct and easy.

The simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that calculations can be carried out mentally (though the methods can be written down). There are many advantages in using a flexible, mental system. Pupils can invent their own methods; they are not limited to the one correct method. This leads to more creative, interested and interesting pupils.

Interest in the Vedic system is growing in education where mathematics teachers are looking for something better and finding Vedic system is the answer. Research is being carried out in many areas including the effects of learning Vedic Mathematics on children, developing new, powerful but easy applications of the Vedic Sutras in geometry, calculus, computing etc.

But the real beauty and effectiveness of Vedic Mathematics cannot be fully appreciated without actually practicing the system. One can then see that it is perhaps the most refined and efficient mathematical system possible.

Why do we need to combine Pure and Vedic Mathematics?

Schools all over the world utilize pure mathematics for their curriculum. Therefore an in-depth knowledge of pure mathematics is essential from the examination point of view. Unfortunately the mathematics that is taught is most schools and colleges lack flexibility and therefore become ‘boring’ to the students. On top of that many teachers lack the insight and knowledge required to teach the subject. Fixed methods are also used for all operations thereby making the process of calculation lengthy and tiresome.

The right combination of Vedic and pure mathematics ensures correct understanding, extreme flexibility and an in-depth knowledge of the subject, thereby making calculations extremely rapid and interesting. This combination can be utilized for simple addition and subtraction, and also for more difficult operations like calculus, and algebra. Many of these operations can be done mentally. Therefore this can be used for students of all ages and standards. There are also wonderful methods for checking the sums.

Utilizing this method, the student will become faster and more accurate in all-mathematical procedures.

Sprutual Walpapers

Rare Deity Photographs

Puri Jagannatha during Snana Yatra (2007)

Sri Ganesha at Pushkar

Dayasindhu - the White Spot on Lord Balaji's Chin

Balancing Spirit and Matter

Question: Balancing Spirit and Matter

I'm studying engineering, and it's okay.  But at the same time it's difficult, because I am associating with materialistically minded people, even though I try to associate with them only insomuch as is necessary.  The difficulty is that I'm exposed to so many materialistic ideas. How can I balance my spiritual practices in Krishna consciousness with my material duties?

Answer: Sixteen Rounds of Japa Before Sunrise

The balance formula is to chant 16 quality rounds every day before sunrise and to strictly follow the regulative principles. If you do these things, you will be fixed in Krishna consciousness in spite of your mundane association.